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发布日期: 2019-12-10   浏览次数 10244







Yan Qingshan 

Basic Information:

Yan Qingshan, male, was born in Hengnan County, Hunan Province in 1967. He graduated from the Department of Biology of Hunan Normal University in 1990 and 1997 with a Bachelor of Science degree (biological education) and a Master of Science degree (Genetics) respectively. From 1997 to 2008, he taught in the Department of Philosophy of Hunan Normal University. During this period, he received the Ph.D. (Ethics, Hunan Normal University) in 2003; he served as a lecturer, associate professor and full professor of philosophy of science and technology in the years of 1998, 2001 and 2006. From 2004 to 2008, he was in charge of the master programme of this major. From 2004 to 2007, he had his postdoctoral study in Ethics at Sun Yat-sen University (co-advisor Professor Philip Zhenming Zhai). From December 2008 to the present, he is professor of Ethics in the Department of Philosophy and doctoral supervisor in Ethics and Foreign Philosophy at East China Normal University. 

Research Fields: Moral Philosophy (Metaethics and Axiological Deontoloy), Modern Western Philosophy (Analytic Phenomenology, Philosophy of mind, Experimental philosophy), Philosophy of Science (Philosophy of Biology), Applied Ethics (Bioethics). 

Academic Experience:

Since 1991, he has published more than 70 papers in the Chinese Journal of Nature, Journal of Dialectics of Nature, Studies in Dialectics of Nature, the Philosophy of Chinese and Foreign Medicine, Philosophical Trends, the Study of Ethics, and Philosophical Researches. He has published 10 books in academic, popular science and translation fields (including co-authored and co-translated ones). He was the editor of Medicine and Philosophy, executive director of the Society of Natural Dialectics of Hunan Province, member of the Youth Working Committee of Natural Dialectics of China and adjunct professor of the Center for Moral Philosophy and Practical Rationality of Sun Yat-sen University.

Now he is in charge of the project "Virtual Reality and Experimental Philosophy" sponsored by NSSF (2015-2020) and the project "Practical Understanding and Motivation of Action" sponsored by HSSFMoE (2015-2019). He has also finished the project “Axiological Deontology: Between Reason and Action” sponsored by the National Social Science Foundation (2009-2012), and the project “Analysis Phenomenology: a study based on the history of philosophy” sponsored by Humanities and Social Sciences Foundation of Ministry of Education (2008-2011). He has finished 3 projects sponsored by the Social Science Foundation of Hunan Province, and one project sponsored by the Postdoctoral Sustentation Foundation. He won the award of “Five-One” excellent theoretical article on the spiritual civilization of Hunan Province in 1999, the first prize of the first Social Sciences Foundation Achievements in 2002, and the second prize of the sixth Social Sciences Outstanding Achievements.