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发布日期: 2021-09-17   浏览次数 1244

基本情况:洪澄,江苏南通人,武汉大学哲学基地班学士、工商管理第二学士(2006-2010),中国人民大学哲学硕士(2010-2013),伦敦国王学院(King’s College London)政治哲学博士(2013-2018)。现为网上赌搏十大网站明园晨晖学者、助理教授,入职之前曾获博士后国际交流引进项目资助,在杨国荣教授指导下从事博士后研究工作。


学术成果:主持省部级科研项目两项,中央高校基本科研业务经费项目两项,参与省部级及以上科研项目多项,并在《哲学研究》,Journal of Chinese PhilosophyA&HCI)等国内外权威期刊独立发表中英文学术论文。







HONG Cheng is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy,ECNU. He received his BA in Philosophy (Wuhan University) and MPhil inPhilosophy (Renmin University of China) before completing his PhD inComparative Political Philosophy at King’s College London2018.He is also Researcher Associate at theInstitute of Modern Chinese Thought and Culture, ECNU. Before joining thephilosophy department at ECNU, he was a post-doctoral researcher working withProfessor YANG Guorong.


Research interests

Dr Hong’s primary research interests are comparativepolitical philosophy, ethics and Confucian philosophy. Some of his work hasappeared in the Journal of Chinese Philosophy (HONG.C.(2019) “PoliticalEquality, Confucian Meritocracy, and Citizenly Participation: A Reflection”) andPhilosophical ResearchZhexue Yanjiu) (HONG.C(2021) “On the Value of ‘Ruling by Gentleman’ inConfucianism from the Perspective of Modern Political Philosophy”)



Dr Hong has taught on the following Modules

Chinese Political PhilosophyLanguage of Instruction: English

Selected Reading in ConfucianismLanguage of Instruction: English

History of Western CultureLanguage of Instruction: Chinese

Introduction to PhilosophyLanguage of Instruction: Chinese


Contact Information

Email: hongcheng0330@163.com